In this interview I speak to Alison Taylor, one of the world’s foremost experts on business ethics, strategy & risk. We discuss the fundamentals of how businesses can do the right thing in a turbulent world including the need for meaningful values alignment, what it means to be a responsible…
Thought Economics


Disasters are inherently hard to predict. But when catastrophe strikes, we ought to be better prepared than the Romans were when Vesuvius erupted or medieval Italians when the Black Death struck. We have science on our side, after all. Yet the responses of many developed countries to a new pathogen…
Thought Economics


Leadership sits at the very heart of everything we do as a civilisation, and to understand more we spoke to a group of the world’s foremost experts on leadership across the military, business, government education and research: General Stan McChyrstal (Founder, McChrystal Group & former commander of US and International…
Thought Economics


We are in a complex world- made difficult to model because of the nonlinear, emergent, spontaneous and adaptive interactions of trillions of elements.  Whilst our biological and environmental complexity has had millions of years to evolve into a form of stable-chaos, our cultural, economic and political complexities are growing in…
Thought Economics