A Conversation with Life Coach & Spiritual Leader, Danny Morel

A Conversation with Life Coach & Spiritual Leader, Danny Morel

Danny Morel is a life coach and spiritual leader, guiding millions globally to awaken, heal, and transform their lives. He leads his audiences through profound internal transformations, healing lifelong limiting beliefs and dismantling protective inner barriers that prevent abundance from entering their lives. His mission is to help people awaken their highest purpose, potential, and power. As one person heals and transforms, their energy influences the lives of the seven people closest to them. Together, we can all have an infinite impact on the world.

Q: What does it mean to have a successful life?

[Danny Morel] In my view, I’ve done what society tells you is successful, only to feel really empty and alone inside. And if it wasn’t for that, I’m grateful—because if it weren’t for that, I would have never found what I think is true success, at least for me, which is the discovery of your authentic self.

That means discovering who you are before any wounding, trauma, or limitations were created in your life’s journey—resulting from your upbringing, your relationship with your mother, your father, and all the things we go through as children. Once you return to your authentic self, it’s like returning to oneness with God while in this lifetime. Before we come to Earth, we are one with God, and I think the game is all about seeing if you can return to that oneness while you’re here. If you can do that, you become one with yourself, and you learn to see yourself as one with other human beings. That’s when life really gets a lot more fun because you shift from fear to love, from victim to creator.

Q: What about ‘wealth’ as the scorecard?

[Danny Morel] Yeah, it leads to emptiness. Listen, the reason it’s that way is because of the energy of the 3D world—the world we experience here on Earth. I like to use the word “bamboozled.” We’ve been bamboozled into believing that love is found on the outside. So we’re constantly chasing after all we really want when we try to achieve wealth. Deep down, we’re really trying to achieve peace, happiness, and love. It’s not about the wealth itself; it’s about what we perceive the wealth will bring into our lives.

What I find is that most people who had a disconnection from the frequency of love growing up—perhaps because they weren’t shown love by their mother or father—end up letting the energy of their heart shift into their mind. And once you live in the mind, you listen to the programming that tells you you’ll find love in wealth and success. That’s where most of humanity is today.

But if you think about it, go back a hundred years—people were living modestly, and nobody cared as much about it. It’s just now that we, as a society and as human beings, have sadly lost our connection to our heart. And so we think we’re going to find love through wealth. But when you finally get there, it can feel pretty empty.

Q: What is the role of spirituality in our lives?

[Danny Morel] …the reason we see spirituality as something “over there” is that it means a return to the heart. Spirituality means surrendering the ego, leaving the mind, and reconnecting with your feelings and emotions. For a lot of people, that’s who they are, and quite frankly, that can be dangerous. I say “dangerous” because, to the ego, it is—especially since spirituality also brings us to a kind of death, a letting go of parts of ourselves. I used to be that guy who believed being successful in business was the key to life. But that part of me had to die for the spiritual part to be born. When you embark on that spiritual journey, it’s literally a series of deaths that lead to a new, more spiritual life.

Number two: I think religion plays a large role in this as well. Religion, in and of itself, is about separation—me believing one thing, you believing another, someone else believing something different—and we’re all trying to convince each other that our beliefs are the right ones. But God is the opposite of separation; God is oneness, God is love. So many people are let down by religion that they say, “Forget this—I’m not doing that. I’m going to focus my life on something else.”

Which brings us to number three: what is spirituality? Spirituality is a reconnection to self and to the divine. That’s it. If someone wants to start a spiritual journey, all they have to do is quiet the mind and return to their heart. And you can literally do that by just breathing. Close your eyes, sit up straight, and breathe in for a five-count, out for a five-count. Focus on your heart and work to align your breath with your heartbeat. It’s incredible what can happen—you feel lighter, better, more connected to yourself, and calmer. People could literally cure anxiety, depression, and all sorts of things just by returning to their breath.

That’s fine. But at what cost? Like, what are you going to have to give up? Connection—deep, passionate connection—and your relationship. And then there’s your physical well-being. We know so many wealthy people whose bodies are a mess; I’ve seen plenty of unhealthy wealthy individuals. And lastly, if your focus is only on wealth and you’ve forgotten about love, what do you think your kids are looking for? Your kids are looking for love. So the same disconnection you felt from your mother and father that drove you to think wealth is the way to go is the same disconnection you’re passing on to your children. The cycle never ends.

Q: What is the power of cultivating conscious relationships?

[Danny Morel] …I think it’s by cultivating a deeper relationship with yourself. The more you learn to be quiet and still, to listen to yourself, and to love yourself, the less judgmental and more kind you become—and that kindness can extend to your relationships with others. The truth is, our souls incarnate with different karmas. For some of us, relationships might be hard while money comes easy; for others, money is a challenge and relationships flow naturally.

What I teach my students is that there are three energies of human mastery available for us to harness: relationships, health, and money. And it’s important for your readers to understand that there’s nothing wrong with being wealthy. On the contrary, this is your life. You should want to be wealthy in every aspect—millions of dollars, vibrant, radiant health, and beautiful relationships. The key is understanding the energy from which you want that wealth to come.

Does that make sense? In my old life, I pursued wealth and power because I believed they would bring me significance, acceptance, attention, and validation—the very things I didn’t receive from my parents. Unconsciously, I was building wealth to fill a void. Most of us, especially in the Western world, don’t realize that we’re often seeking wealth to mask a deep sadness within our souls. That’s where life gets a little messy. But when you return to your heart and soul, when you heal spiritually and reconnect, you can have it all.

Q: How do we cope when things seem fully against us… when we feel the world is against us?

[Danny Morel] When these things happen in life, our soul calls on us to learn a lesson. Perhaps what’s happening right now is that he’s been going so hard for so long, solely focused on wealth. I guarantee that if I were to peel back the layers and ask him about his childhood, I’d find there were things—maybe he didn’t receive enough love from his mother or perhaps his father was tough on him—that drove him this way. The soul wants to heal that, so it literally says, “Okay, this guy is listening; let’s make it hard on him,” because maybe hardship will finally make him listen. That’s why most of us begin our spiritual journey after a job loss or a career change. Covid did this for a lot of us, as did a death in the family or a tough breakup. Truly, often we need pain to be able to see the light.

Vikas Shah: And this connects, I guess, to society actively turning-away from the dark aspects of life?

[Danny Morel] It’s so interesting. So, take a wild guess—when we talk about the dark, or the darker parts of life, right? Take a wild guess. You know, all of life is duality. So, which one is dark—the masculine or the feminine? Take a moment. Which one is dark? Tell me.

Vikas Shah Yes. The masculine is seen as dark and the feminine is seen as light.

[Danny Morel] It’s actually the opposite. And really—look at how it all correlates. When you’re in your mother’s womb, you’re in the darkness. And when you’re born, when life begins, you come out into the light. So you move from the feminine into a masculine world.

And consider this: most of your questions, all really asking me, Danny, “How do people return to their heart, to their feminine?” That’s the root of all issues. Because if you’re constantly driving for wealth, what if I were to tell you that you could attract it without the hard work? But are you open in your heart to receive, knowing that life can actually be that wonderful?

When you ask, “Do we avoid the darkness?”—yes, because we’ve been taught to avoid our heart and our feelings. We’ve been taught to avoid what can actually help us be free.

Q: What are some of the practices we can introduce into our lives, that can lead to more happiness and fulfilment?

[Danny Morel] First, it’s really interesting. Remember how I told you that spiritually awakening is like a series of deaths? Well, you’ve explained it perfectly without realizing that the mind doesn’t want you to go there, because when you do, the mind knows its control over you has to die. It has to let go. When you return to your heart, you connect to oneness and to spirituality.

So, what are some practices we can use for this? Number one, which is really difficult, is mirror gazing or eye gazing. When I first started my spiritual journey, I couldn’t meditate—my mind was always racing. I literally couldn’t sit still. I’d watch videos about meditation and how it can connect you spiritually, but either I’d fall asleep or my mind wouldn’t shut up. That’s actually a sign that your mind is hyperactive, and there are things you need to work on. I would go look in the mirror, and I found that I was deeply afraid to look myself in the eye. I was terrified of that connection and the sacred humility it demanded. I was hiding from myself. So, I’d tell the reader: go look in the mirror for five minutes, send love to yourself, and see if you can send and receive love from yourself. This is a big indicator of how you perceive and receive love from life and from other people.

The second practice, especially important for those of us living in large cities, is grounding. You, as a human being, were not created to always wear shoes or live in tall buildings—you were created to be constantly connected with Mother Nature, because Mother Nature is literally you in physical form. So take off your shoes, sit down, lean your back against a tree, and sit there for 20 minutes without your cell phone.

And that brings me to number three: turn off your cell phone. Yes, get off Instagram. Your brain is being hijacked by these devices. Just 50 years ago, they weren’t here. It’s so sad—like at my son’s wrestling tournament, I noticed the kids don’t talk to each other anymore; they’re all on their phones. This constant distraction is leading us, quite frankly, to our destruction.

Q: What does legacy mean to you?

[Danny Morel] Gosh, I don’t really think about legacy. I take each day as it comes. My work began when my mother passed away, and I realized that everything I had worked for in life meant nothing. That’s when I started my spiritual journey and experienced what it meant to return to love and oneness. So if you ask me about my legacy, it’s really simple: it’s just helping humanity return to love and oneness. That’s it.

Thought Economics

About the Author

Vikas Shah MBE DL is an entrepreneur, investor & philanthropist. He is CEO of Swiscot Group alongside being a venture-investor in a number of businesses internationally. He is a Non-Executive Board Member of the UK Government’s Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy and a Non-Executive Director of the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Vikas was awarded an MBE for Services to Business and the Economy in Her Majesty the Queen’s 2018 New Year’s Honours List and in 2021 became a Deputy Lieutenant of the Greater Manchester Lieutenancy. He is an Honorary Professor of Business at The Alliance Business School, University of Manchester and Visiting Professors at the MIT Sloan Lisbon MBA.